By Admin,

We are excited to announce that this November the Canterbury Rams will be starting its inaugural Rams Summer League. This will be a great opportunity for all players involved.
This league is designed to help develop players and to continue to build our strong Rams culture. The league will give good exposure to the Rams coaches. A Rams summer squad will be selected once the league is finished.
The league will consist of 4 teams. The League will be run out of Action Indoor Sports Hornby and will run for 4 weeks during November on a Tuesday night (7th, 21st & 28th November, 5th December). Teams will play each team once before the last finals round. Games will be 8 minute stop clock games. The cost will be minimal at $60 a player.
Players in the league will include Rams Captain Marques Whippy and Rams players Tony Tolovae and Taylor Britt. It will also include lots of young talent including college basketball recruits Angus McWilliam (TCU) and Max De Geest (Long Beach State).
Invites will be sent out within the next week with the costs and more detail to be included.
We look forward to bringing you scores, highlights and much more during the league.